Take control, feel happier.

Why Endplan

1 — We no longer assume we will be here next year

Money worries, concern about loved ones and anxiety about contracting Covid-19 have all taken a toll on our mental, physical and financial health.

2 — How will your loved ones manage financially if something were to happen to you?

Whatever your living situation or age, many of us are facing unprecedented challenges and realising that if you or someone is unable to work (or worse still, dies), it can have significant, long-lasting financial consequences.

3 — The nature of wealth has changed. Your wealth is no longer just your cash.

It’s not just about cash. We have so many assets, held with so many custodians that a Will can’t keep up. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Your shares & options, data, identity, media, insurance, crypto, private equity, angel Investments, loans, domain names, trademarks + IP, precious materials, your will and more.

So how do you keep track of your assets, maximise estate value and ensure your loved ones benefit from your assets when you're gone or ill?

Meet Endplan

Endplan is a platform to keep track of your diverse assets, maximise estate value and ensure your loved ones benefit from your assets when you're gone or ill.

Why Endplan?

Estate planning isn’t just about passing on money when you die – it’s also about enjoying life now and ensuring you have enough to live on. This is why it’s so important to start planning early.

We can show you how much money you will need, help you to pass on assets in the most effective way, and work with you to reduce or manage death duties, debts and other liabilities.

  • Secured with latest technologies.
  • Safe file sharing and records.
  • Tested with best practices in mind.

Why Us?

We're a team of technologists, designers & psychologists who care about people first.

Take control of your lifetime wealth

Long term security and manage private data safely from any location or device.

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